Phd History topic is part of a research project funded by TOGETHER French National Research Agency (ANR). Net salary will be around 1500 Euros per month (which is comfortable to live in France). Context: The registration and analysis of surface datasets public has become the new mainstream, gradually replacing the conventional method based on 2-dimensional image. In various disciplines ranging from anthropometry, CAD (CAD), computer graphics, and psychology, adopting 3D laser scanner to capture the surface shape and build statistical models from a set of surface data is listed now widely accepted.Phd History Although there are a large number of studies done on static datasets with the proliferation of algorithms and a solid theoretical background, this did not appear to be the case for data, time varying dynamic, because of limited accessibility to the dynamic surface. In most sessions capture the form, people are required to remain silent during the scanning. Sure, the current registration techniques (and therefore shape analysis technique) to handle the geometric features of static datasets, and the dynamic behavior of the skin of people who are relatively fixed unspeakable. This Phd History is unfortunate, because the dynamic features can not be captured using only the geometric features of the target subject when deformed. Although the use of geometric features based on anatomy knowledge is still the gold standard, it is clear that it may produce results with limited capabilities correspondence calculation is reliable, because of some general subjects were observed as the human body is very mobile and drastically change not only governance arrangements geometric feature space but also from time to time.
PhD adviser: Hyewon SEO
https: / /
How to Apply: Please send your CV, a one-page letter of motivation and academic transcript for the last 3 years for Dr. Hyewon SEO (
Scholarship Application Deadline: Contact your employer
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Rabu, 25 Mei 2011
Rabu, 18 Mei 2011
Leukaemia Foundation PhD History Scholarships

This PhD History award is to support basic research, applied and translational in Australia into the treatment, causes and treatment of patients with leukemia, lymphoma, myeloma and related blood disorders. Selection will be conducted by an independent expert panel. Scholarships will be awarded for three years, subject to satisfactory annual progress.
PhD History Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 September 2011
Next Leukaemia Foundation PhD Scholarships 2012, Australia Scholarship Information and Application details click here
Selasa, 17 Mei 2011
Postdoctoral Position Phd History in Cardiovascular Development

Phd History Some exciting projects are available focusing on: (i) the molecular mechanisms to Wnt-mediated attenuation of calcium channel type L, (ii) describe how non-canonical Wnt signal splitting and domain affect calcium differently in various tissues, and (iii) determine how the electrochemical signal modulated by Wnt11 regulate heart morphogenesis and function.
Skills: Phd History Candidates must have obtained a PhD in a relevant research area (ie Molecular and Development Biology, Biochemistry, Physiology, or Biophysics). Experience in protein biochemistry or electrophysiology is an asset. We offer an expert on the excellent research environment in a variety of techniques that we hope are highly motivated individuals will apply both to the project described, and development projects of their own.
Scholarship Application Deadline: 30 June2011
Details Scholarship Information and Application
Rabu, 11 Mei 2011
PhD History Fellowships in Molecular and Chemical Ecology

PhD History Research Institute is a joint initiative of the Max Planck Institute for Chemical Ecology, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Leibniz Institute for Natural Product Research and Infection Biology, and Leibniz Institute of Plant Genetics and Crop Plant Research. The main focus is on plant-herbivore interactions; other related ecological topics are also investigated. The IMPRS PhD History provides doctoral students the possibility to prepare their doctoral program in 3-year structured program providing excellent research conditions. This title will be awarded by the Friedrich Schiller University in Jena. The courses are held in English.
Scholarship Application Deadline: June 26, 2011
Further Scholarship Information and Application
Kamis, 05 Mei 2011
Early Stage Researcher PhD History

This PhD History project will discuss the impact of lipid composition on membrane mechanics and lateral organization, and consequences in the form of trans-membrane and membrane trafficking. PhD History Changes due to membrane-bound proteins and generally occur in the membranes that mimic biological structures will also be investigated realistic effects, partly in collaboration with other ITN partners.
Candidates PhD History with experience in soft matter physics, optical trap, automation instruments and / or biological physics are welcome. A basic knowledge of cell biology is also desirable. In addition to proven experimental skills candidates must have a strong interest in the theoretical background of the experiment. Characterization tools such as image / video analysis will be used and developed. Training will study towards a PhD History and therefore applicants must also obtain admission as graduate students. According to EU regulations, a candidate can be any nationality. They must have less than 4 years of research experience and should not be in England for more than 12 months during the last 3 years.
According to EU regulations, PhD History candidates can be of any nationality. They should have less than 4 years of research experience and should not have resided in the United Kingdom for more than 12 months during the past 3-year period.
Please send applications to Dr. Pietro Cicuta ( Applications should include a brief statement of interest, a Curriculum Vitae, parts 1 and 3 of the CHRIS/6 cover sheet (see, and the names and contact details of two referees. Please indicate the vacancy reference no: KA08039.
Application Deadline: 7 May 2011.
Senin, 02 Mei 2011
PhD History Positions in RELATE Project

The MII regularly organizes workshops and summer schools, so that researchers in the early stages of formation (ESR) - PhD students and experienced researchers (ER) - postdocs, their research exchange information, experiences and ideas. A total of 21 scholars, 18 fellows, the ESR can be in a Ph.D. Subscribe and three trainees ER is closed. contribute through an integrated and multidisciplinary approach to research CONCERN to the prior art in the areas of model driven engineering and formal methods, service-based mash-ups and application integration, reliability, performance and confidence in the applications of cloud-based services and quality management and business model innovation.
We are PhD History looking to recruit early-career researchers (ESR) and Experienced Researchers (EE) as part of employment contracts with full social security, with a daily allowance and the maximum use of 3 years ESR and 2 years for ERS.
Detailed information on the specific OPEN POSITIONS available can be found at:
All PhD History recruited researchers are Marie Curie fellows and will profit from all Marie Curie benefits, including travel, living, mobility and career exploratory allowances. We offer a unique, integrative research environment where world-leading scientists will integrate accepted applicants into their research teams. Beyond technical training in key areas, personal development and research management
training will be made available.
Relevant backgrounds include software architecture, service-oriented systems, web services, service mash-ups, model-driven software development, software quality prediction, programming in Java and Eclipse. The ideal candidate combines skills from several of these disciplines.
PhD History Applications (in English) should be submitted through the online application form at
There will be two recruitment rounds. For fellows starting in September or before (13 fellows), the application deadline is End of May. For fellows starting after September (8 fellows), the application deadline is End of August.
Applications from women are strongly encouraged.
For further questions, please send an enquiry to
Project Poster:
Eligibility Criteria:
Funding Scheme:
EU guidelines for becoming a Marie Curie fellow:
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